Thursday 22 January 2009

shit hits the fan- already

In light of the decision I made when I created this blog only yesterday, I committed myself to the pursuit of excitement during the day today, I found my chance during my last lesson. A good friend of mine has recently split from her 2 and a half year boyfriend, we went to prom together and have always got along brilliantly, so I decided she would be the ideal start. she gave me a lift home at the end of the day and we chatted the same as ever, but when we reached my house instead of the cheek kiss goodbye, I went for the real thing. I know that I dedicated my first post to describing the moment before a kiss, but it's doubtful whether that truly did it justice, our eyes met, her face became serious- not as though she was about to tell me off, just like there was a longing, or so I'd like to think.- she shifted her body so she was facing towards me and we made out. She is close friends with my ex and so karma for some unnamed transgression kicked in (it could be for any number of things) and a boy from our school had recognised her car and pulled up next to us to say hi, getting a lovely chunk of gossip substantial enough (in our little pond) to ruin friendships and destroy potential new girls, basically it would be like a petty, bitchy hiroshima. I'm not saying that I regret my decision- you make your choices and stick by them- I'm just very tickled by the speed at which this blog (admittedly something borne of boredom whilst i should have been revising) has brought about a situation in which I have something to blog about, this is some self-sustainable shit.

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